We believe that providing a loving place for our children to explore, learn and grow will allow them to develop the skills necessary to be caring and contributing citizens.
Our holistic programs are designed to support optimal brain development, effective emotional regulation and a lifelong love of learning.
Our days are designed with your child in mind. Highly responsive caregivers and "yes" classroom environments allow young children and babies to develop a healthy sense of self and discover their world.
Given the right tools and guidance we believe children will blossom. We encourage independence and self confidence by giving time and space to master new skills.
By allowing open-ended play we foster curiosity and creativity. Research shows that children learn best through play and self discovery. For that reason we value the process over the result and recognize that each child is developing on their own timeline.
We partner with parents and families to provide highly customized care. We accommodate food allergies and preferences. We use Individual Care Plans to give your child the most individualized experience we can.
Raising happy healthy kiddos into kind and capable adults is no small feat. Having other parents to collaborate with can make life with little ones a more enjoyable and successful experience. In our efforts to empower a parenting community we encourage families to volunteer and spend time at Parkside Playschool. We also integrate parents as a part of the process through our PTO!
Self care is a necessity. We offer Parents' Night Out and connect families with babysitters when you need a break.
Making summer plans for your school age kiddo?
You can find information for Nature Camp at the link below!